Sugar Gliders are not your typical pet. They are exotic pets that are native to Australia and India. While they may look like flying squirrels or rodents, they are not. Sugar gliders are marsupials which means they are close relatives of koalas and kangaroos.
I was lucky enough to be gifted two sugar gliders after a close friend was unable to care for them. Since getting them my life has not been the same and I could not be happier.
Sugar gliders aren't your typical pet. Mine live in a cage that is almost 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide. They tend to sleep for most of the day, allowing me to go on with work, class and homework without needing to tend to their care. Once night hits, they come out to play.
Mushu and Wasabi are between the ages of 1 and 2. They have been bouncing around owners and no one was able to keep a correct record of their ages.
Mushu is a boy and he loves to play. He's an adventurer and has no fears. I am able to let him run around my room and explore without worrying he'll get into trouble. His favorite snacks include tomatoes, dried worms and honey. Mushu is what I consider a dog-type glider. He comes leaves his bed to greet me whenever I come near the cage, even if he's sleeping. He gets excited when he meets new people and is easy to train with treats.
Wasabi on the other hand could not be more different. Wasabi is a girl and a fiesty one too. I've had her for about 3-4 weeks and now she is barely getting comfortable playing with me. She loves eating and will fight Mushu for the food she wants. She loves honey more than anyone I've ever seen. She tends to me more on the reserved side with who she climbs on to. But, she doesn't hold back when it comes to being heard. Wasabi loves barking when she needs attention (gliders bark - I was just as surprised).
I love my gliders and how different their personalities are. Everyday holds something new with my babies and I can't wait to continue documenting their growth and their everyday shenanigans.
Loved reading this! What a unique pet. It always seems like when you have two of the same type of pet they end up with very different personalities. That's how my dogs at home are too.
I'm telling you they will be doing backflips by May
Oh my gosh, they are so cute!! Do they ever keep you up at night since that's when they come out to play?